edmontonpolice-e1367104404901Edmonton Police recently had to stand in front of the media, admit to an embarrassing mistake and do the right thing…and they totally did.
Earlier this week a marked EPS vehicle was photographed (by a few people) parked across a few parking stalls as the officers went inside for a coffee. Not helping the case, was the fact one of those stalls was a handicapped space.
Give the EPS full credit, when the photo’s started being spread online, they didn’t try and sweep it under the rug. They said the officer in question will get a fine (that he wil have to pay out of pocket). They also said it was “embarrassing” and “the police aren’t above the citizens we serve.”
3 cheers for admitting the mistake. 3 cheers for handling it properly. Now we can just look back and laugh.
– Bryce