Ever wanted to be a MERMAID?! Or… MERMAN?  Well now, you can.  Introducing Edmonton’s BRAND spankin’ new Aquamermaid school.  It lets you splash around a pool with a unifin, to teach you how to breeze the seas just like a real mythical mermaid would.

I talked with Gilles, who’s running the new class in Edmonton which is the first of it’s kind in Alberta (screw you, Calgary!!! Jk, jk.  We still love you Calgary).

Learn more about the course below:


Play Pause

Lauren Hunter

LISTEN: There's A New AquaMermaid School in Edmonton That Teaches You How to Be a Mermaid & It Sounds Glorious

Originally Aired: August 29, 2017

You can learn more via the Aquamermaid Facebook page, or their website.


Happy swimming!

– Lauren Hunter