The holidays can be a hard time for anyone, even opossums.


An opossum in Fort Walton Beach, Florida was found in the back of a liquor store with an empty bottle of bourbon.



Police notified Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge who took the opossum in after her bender.

“She [opossum] definitely wasn’t fully acting normal,” said Michelle Pettis, a technician at the refuge. “We loaded her up with fluids to help flush out any alcohol toxins. She was good a couple of days later.”

Pettis also said the opossum did not appear to be hungover.


Store owner Cash Moore said he saw the opossum enter, but didn’t expect her to be a drinker.

“She came in from the outside and was up in the rafters, and when she came through she knocked a bottle of liquor off the shelf,” Moore said. “When she got down on the floor she drank the whole damn bottle.”


The opossum was released without injury on November 30th.






Filed under: Badass mofo, Drunky-pants, Opossum